Going To a Show

Going To a Show

Preparing for Your First Rabbit Show

1. Membership and Entry:

  • BRC Membership: Ensure you are a member of the British Rabbit Council (BRC) and that your rabbit is correctly rung with a ring registered in your name.
  • Show Selection: Choose a show to attend. Refer to advertisements in "Fur & Feather" magazine or seek advice from your local club secretary or District Advisor.
  • Entry Procedure:
    • Check Entry Deadline: Note the entry deadline, usually a few weeks before the show, but often within 5 days for local shows.
    • Contact the Secretary: If a phone number is provided, contact the secretary a few days before the deadline.
    • Provide Entry Information: Be prepared to provide the following information:
      • Your full name (or stud name, if applicable)
      • Your full address
      • The breed of your rabbit
      • The colour of your rabbit
      • The age of your rabbit (over or under 5 months)
      • Sex of your rabbit (Buck or Doe)
      • Whether you bred the rabbit (if transferred, indicate that it was born on your property and the ring was originally purchased by you)
      • Youth Exhibitor Status (if applicable)
    • Pay Entry Fees: Ensure you pay the entry fees in full as instructed.
    • Confirm Entry: If you mailed your entry, confirm receipt with the secretary.

2. Preparing for Show Day:

  • Travel Arrangements: Plan your travel to the show venue in advance.
  • Transportation: Transport your rabbit in a secure and well-ventilated carrier. Avoid placing the carrier in a hot car.
  • Show Essentials: Bring bedding, water, and any necessary feeding supplies for your rabbit.
  • Arrive Early: Arrive at the show venue at least 30 minutes before the judging commences.

3. Show Day Procedures:

  • Check-in: Upon arrival, check in with the show secretary. Present your rabbit's ring number and pay any remaining entry fees.
  • Pen Placement: Place your rabbit in its designated pen, ensuring it has access to water and a small amount of hay.
  • Observe Judging: Watch the judging process to familiarize yourself with the procedures.
  • Stewarding (Optional): If you have some experience, consider offering to steward a class to gain valuable experience.

4. Understanding the Judging Process:

  • Breed Classes: Rabbits are first judged within their respective breed and age classes (e.g., "Dutch Black or Blue Adult," "Dutch Black or Blue under 5 months").
  • Best of Breed: Winners of each breed class compete against each other to determine the "Best of Breed."
  • Mixed Duplicates: Best of Breed winners then compete against each other within their respective sections (Lop, Fancy, Fur & Rex) to determine the best rabbit in that section.
  • Grand Challenge: The winners of each section then compete in the Grand Challenge to determine the Best in Show.

5. Show Etiquette:

  • Respectful Behavior: Treat all exhibitors, judges, and officials with courtesy and respect.
  • Showmanship: Present your rabbit in a clean and presentable manner.
  • Sportsmanship: Accept the judge's decisions gracefully.
  • Clean-up: Assist with the dismantling of the show as a courtesy to the club.

By following these guidelines and participating actively in the rabbit show community, you can enhance your rabbit-keeping experience and contribute to the continued success of rabbit shows in the UK.

Most important of all enjoy the Show!