Code Of Practice
Although it has generally been agreed that there are no specific regulations for hobbyist animals within The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006, the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and the Welfare of Animals in Transport (Wales) (Order) 2007 there are requirements that apply to anyone transporting animals. Owners also have a duty to ensure that the welfare of their animals is adequately protected, as required, by the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006, and this duty extends to transport. The advice within this code of practice is intended to ensure the welfare of rabbits during transportation.
No person shall transport animals or cause animals to be transported in a way likely to cause injury or unnecessary suffering to them.
Rabbits must be fit to travel.
Travelling boxes should:
Car travel:
The Companion Animal Sector Council (CASC) views on the Selling Animals as Pets guidance
There are several Acts that affect the sale of animals. These include the various Protection of Animal Acts between 1911 and 1964 and the Trade Descriptions Act, but the main Act is the Pet Animals Act of 1951. Many people quote this Act particularly when they wish to prevent the sale of domestic rabbits or to cause difficulties at shows where rabbits are being sold. But (and this is very important but) the Pet Animals Act refers only to rabbits sold by persons carrying on a business of selling animals as pets. The Act specifically says ‘No person who is only keeping or selling rabbits bred by him or the young of any animal kept by him’ is covered by this Act.
Any person therefore who takes a rabbit to a show or any show that offers animals for sale in any way, for example in a selling class, cannot be regarded as coming within the Pet Animals Act.
There is complete freedom for any breeder (who does not keep a pet shop or deals in rabbits as a business) to sell any rabbit in any way he/she likes; as long as, they do not mislead the customer or act fraudulently.
There is, however, one exception to this. The Animal Welfare Act does say that any person who sells an animal as a pet to a person whom they have reasonable cause to believe to be under the age of sixteen years is guilty of an offence. It is therefore, very important to ensure that if a child wishes to buy a rabbit, then the seller should sell it to the parents.
In the interest of any animals being sold, and in the interest of the rabbit fancy as a whole, all sellers of rabbits should act responsibly and follow the recommendations:
The BRC has a range of leaflets for members and new owners on topics such as Keeping Rabbits, Housing and the Law, the Importance of Diet and Showing. Please contact us on 01636 676042.
1. The breed of the intended rabbit must be distinguished to determine its finished size so that adequate accommodation can be provided.
2. The prospective new owner must evaluate his/her ability to provide proper daily care and to provide for the rabbit’s care and welfare, should they go on holiday, or are away from home for any length of time.
3. It is not advisable to purchase a rabbit from a local newspaper advertisement or via various internet rehoming sites. If however, this method is chosen, ask to see the parents of the potential purchase, the housing set-up, feed and cleaning regime.
4. Local pet shops and garden centres acquire rabbits from various sources, such as commercial breeders, and hobby breeders. Watch out for stressed and lethargic animals. All rabbits should be bright and very alert. Avoid purchasing if you have any doubt as to the well-being of the rabbit. The staff at all these establishments should have sufficient knowledge to be able to provide information on the rabbits in their care and be able to provide a comprehensive care regime; i.e. feed sheet to the new owner.
5. Exhibitors who breed may sell their excess stock. Variation of breeds would be limited as each exhibitor may only keep four breeds. However, if correctly researched a breeder/exhibitor who keeps your chosen variety would be able to provide much advice and determine which animal would be most suitable to your needs.
6. Animal sanctuaries. These places house and re-home unwanted and abandoned rabbits. Most are usually adults and the background and history may be sketchy. The people at the sanctuary are usually well-minded and often visit prospective new owners before releasing the animal.
We, the British Rabbit Council are unable to give any guarantee as to the health, fertility, or suitability as a Show animal of the stock being sold, and neither can we give any guarantee as to whether any rabbit conforms to the Breed Standard. Although the persons registered with this Directory are BRC Members it is the responsibility of the individuals concerned to check that the rabbits are healthy and of the required standard before purchasing. All sales and purchases of rabbits which might take place following a contact made through this Directory is the responsibility of the buyer and seller respectively and the British Rabbit Council is involved only as a means of introducing prospective purchasers to BRC Members who keep a particular breed of rabbit.