Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

Welcome to The British Rabbit Council

The Beginning

Rabbits have a long history in Britain, though their exact arrival is uncertain.

The organized exhibition and breeding of rabbits, known as "The Fancy," emerged over 200 years ago. By the mid-19th century, local clubs had formed, holding regular shows for their members. Towards the end of the 19th century, specialized clubs dedicated to improving individual breeds began to appear, laying the foundation for the structured "Fancy" we see today.

Initially, the focus was on "Fancy Breeds," with only a few "Fur Breeds" recognized. However, the early 20th century witnessed a significant expansion in the number of recognized breeds.

Following World War I, increased travel facilitated the introduction of new breeds from mainland Europe, significantly diversifying the rabbit fancy in Britain. This influx of new breeds, along with the growing popularity of rabbit keeping, ultimately led to the formation of the British Rabbit Council, a pivotal moment in the history of the organization.

Strategic Aims 2021-2025

  • To promote the Pedigree Rabbit and its associated hobbies and welfare standards
  • To protect and maintain the heritage of all recognized pedigree rabbit breeds
  • To promote and continually discover rabbit welfare standards that must be upheld by our members through lifelong support from the BRC, working with welfare organisations to build on research and expertise in this field
  • To promote healthy and ethical breeding practices by our members
  • Build a programme of recruitment and marketing tools that will make the rabbit hobby & rabbit keeping attractive, engaging. Retaining existing and newcomers to the associated disciplines within rabbits
  • To build a culture within the rabbit fancy that will encourage respect for each other, sharing of ideas and a passion for supporting each other in building a foundation on which we thrive in seeing others succeed
  • To develop a programme of education and a culture of engagement & encouragement in support of:
    • Existing Rabbit breeders and exhibitors
    • New and Existing Pet Rabbit Owners
    • Those involved in activities involving rabbits such as Exhibiting, Pet Keeping, Rabbit Sports & House Rabbits
    • Promote the pathways into exhibition rabbits and build a retention plan once people are involved in the exhibiting hobby
    • Judge’s education and development
  • Work with our network of affiliated bodies and our regional representatives to connect, build, and deliver the strategic aims of the BRC to existing hobbyists and local communities across the United Kingdom
  • Build technologies and routes to engage with the BRC and the associated hobbies on a 24/7 basis
Our Mission & Policy Statement

Get in touch

Contact us

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Get in Touch

Office Hours : Tue to Thu 9am - 4pm

  • info@thebrc.org
  • 01636 676042
  • The British Rabbit Council, Purefoy House, 7 Kirkgate, Newark, Notts. NG24 1AD