Getting a Rabbit

Getting a Rabbit

Building Your Foundation Stock: A Guide for Rabbit Breeders

Embarking on a rabbit breeding journey requires careful planning and thoughtful selection of your foundation stock. This guide will help you navigate the process and lay the groundwork for a successful breeding program.

1. Choosing Your Breed: A Foundation for Success

Before you even consider purchasing your first rabbits, it's crucial to carefully choose the breed(s) that best suit your goals and lifestyle.

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Begin by exploring the diverse world of rabbit breeds. Utilize online resources, consult rabbit books, and engage with online breed clubs. This research will provide you with valuable information about each breed's characteristics, including:

    • Size and Temperament: Some breeds are significantly larger than others, requiring more space. Temperaments also vary greatly, ranging from docile and affectionate to energetic and playful.
    • Coat Type: Consider the grooming requirements associated with different coat types. Some breeds require minimal grooming, while others necessitate regular brushing and specialized care.
    • Specific Needs: Some breeds may have unique dietary or housing requirements.
  • Attend Rabbit Shows: Attending rabbit shows is an invaluable experience. You can observe various breeds in person, noting their size, type, and temperament. This firsthand experience will help you gain a better understanding of the breed's characteristics and identify breeds that particularly appeal to you.

  • Meet the Breeders: Visiting breeders of your chosen breed(s) is highly recommended. Observe their studs, handle their rabbits, and engage in conversations with the breeders. This interaction will provide valuable insights into the breed's temperament, housing requirements, and care needs. Most breeders are happy to show you around their facilities, even if you don't intend to purchase from them initially.

2. Investing in Quality Stock: Building a Strong Foundation

Selecting and acquiring quality foundation stock is paramount to the success of your breeding program.

  • Prioritize Proven Individuals: Aim to acquire proven does (females) and a proven buck (male) from closely related lines. Proven individuals have demonstrated their ability to produce healthy and high-quality offspring, providing a strong foundation for your breeding program.
  • Consider a Trio: Purchasing a "trio" – one proven doe, one young doe, and one proven buck – is a common and recommended starting point. This combination provides a good balance of experience and youth, allowing for flexibility and the potential for future breeding combinations.
  • Sourcing Reputable Breeders:
    • BRC Membership: While BRC membership alone does not guarantee show-quality stock, it's a good starting point in your search for reputable breeders.
    • Breed Clubs: Joining the National or Regional Specialist Club for your chosen breed offers valuable resources. Their yearbooks often feature breeder advertisements, and the club secretary can provide guidance and recommendations.
    • Fur & Feather Magazine: This magazine is a valuable resource for finding breeders and connecting with the rabbit community.
    • Seek Recommendations: Inquire about reputable breeders from other experienced breeders and exhibitors. Their recommendations can be invaluable in your search.
  • Ask the Right Questions: When contacting potential breeders, ask pertinent questions to assess their breeding practices and the quality of their stock. Inquire about their breeding objectives, show records (if applicable), and their experience with the breed.
  • Don't Be Afraid to Ask Around: Inquire about a breeder's reputation within the rabbit community. Most breeders are happy to discuss their breeding program and answer your questions honestly.

3. Avoiding Common Pitfalls: Making Informed Decisions

  • Beware of Show Purchases: While a rabbit may appear impressive in a show pen, you have limited information about its lineage and breeding history.
  • Thorough Examination: Carefully examine any potential purchase. Inquire about the rabbit's parents and siblings, and if possible, visit the breeder's stud to assess the living conditions and overall health of the rabbits.
  • Build Relationships: Seek out a mentor – an experienced breeder who can guide you through the early stages of your breeding program, offer advice on matings, help you evaluate your litters, and provide valuable support.

4. Starting Small and Being Patient: A Long-Term Perspective

  • Begin with a Manageable Number: Don't overextend yourself. Start with a manageable number of rabbits, such as a trio for each line or colour.
  • Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Focus on breeding for quality over quantity. Select and retain only the best individuals with desirable characteristics that align with your breeding goals.
  • Be Patient: Building a successful breeding program takes time and dedication. Don't expect to produce champions overnight. Focus on continuous learning and improvement, and be patient with the process.

5. Leveraging Your Resources: Building a Supportive Network

  • Utilize Local Breeders: Even if you don't purchase stock from them, local breeders can be invaluable resources. They can offer advice, help you at shows, and introduce you to other members of the rabbit community.
  • Explore Options: Consider options like stud matings with reputable breeders to introduce new bloodlines to your stock while minimizing the risk of introducing unwanted traits.

Remember: Building a successful rabbit breeding program requires a commitment to responsible animal husbandry, continuous learning, and a focus on the well-being of your rabbits. By carefully selecting your foundation stock, prioritizing quality, and building a strong support network, you can embark on a rewarding and fulfilling journey in the world of rabbit keeping.